Thought for the day

Thought for the day…If your dog or cat chews its favourite toy do you get angry? I don’t want to compare our children to animals, but let’s think about reactions. When your dog or cat chews its favourite toy I am guessing you think “oh how cute, look how much they love it!”. You are likely then to go and buy another…without making your pet feel guilty or pay for it themselves. My question is this…when your child ruins their favourite toy, can you possibly give them as much love as you do your pet?

Accept that they didn’t know different. Be playful with them, not exploding and getting angry at you spending money on something that was just going to get broke. Be curious about why they like it, maybe it is getting damaged because they like the sound of it or because it helps them relieve stress. Have empathy, losing a toy you love, even when you are the one that broke it, is hard.

I know, it seems a bit blunt to compare our children to your pet, but I am not trying to get you to think of them as an animal, I am just asking that you give them as much acceptance as you do your family dog or cat. you still love them when they bring you a dead mouse or after they tear up your couch. The least we can do is look at our children and accept them that much…love them that much…support them that much…You don’t punish your dog for doing something that comes natural, that is instinct…please don’t get angry and punish your child for doing the same…what comes naturally, what is instinct.

Look at them, love them, support them, and see them for the amazing child that they are…above all, give them the safe and secure home that they deserve…that every child in this world deserves, and they deserve it without begging or earning it…they deserve it just because they are a child and they need it.