Thought for the day

Thought for the day…let’s be real with each other. We can all wax lyrical about those perfect days or moments that we get right. I can give you all sorts of information to help, but for the moment let me give you some “realness”.

My house is a mess! Having everyone home 24/7 and doing schooling on top of it means that somehow I have less time to clean…and yet I feel like we are always cleaning!

I am tired! You would think that with less running around to appointments and places to visit that I would be well rested. I am not, I am in fact yawning more and on occasion quite exhausted. Who knew that being stuck home was exhausting?

Some days I would willingly sell my children and husband! Ok did I actually admit that? Yes…I want to be alone! You know…that moment where there is quiet and nobody is asking for your attention. I didn’t realise how often I actually had that before Covid. (letting you know the price to purchase said family changes dependent upon mood…theirs)

We smell! Normally people come and go, they don’t stay in the same place 24/7. I am guessing that this enables the home to rest and refresh a bit. The body odour from a teenager alone will make you do a double take sometimes!

I do actually get it wrong sometimes. It’s funny, but being with the children 24/7 means that I have more opportunity to make a mistake. It appears that I am not near as perfect as I once thought I was. It’s a good thing I don’t have to be perfect for Therapeutic Parenting to work! lol

so…there is my thought for the day. I am not perfect, my house can be messy, my family smelly and on occasion I would willingly sell them for a pound, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I don’t get it right all the time but I do get it right enough. My house isn’t perfect, but it is a safe place for my children. I make mistakes, but I also use repair and I help them heal. It’s ok to be real…it’s ok to say we aren’t perfect…it’s ok to be “good enough”…today I am real and I am good enough and so are you