Thought for the day

Cara’s thought for the day…I love my morning coffee! I like my day to start with one cup of java and I really don’t like to do anything else until I get at least 15 minutes to just sit in the quiet of the morning and sip while I think about the day to come. This has become a part of my self care and I really need the quiet time to start my day. I have come to discover that I also like the same schedule while on holiday…I want my routine! I am telling you this for two reasons, first is that even we adults have routines we don’t like changing and second, we all need some self care built into our lives. When our children have a break in routine it can really throw things out of order! It can actually lead to a very difficult day. I wonder though how even we adults feel when our routines are messed up? I know that without my morning quiet time that I am not as patient of a parent. Even visiting my grandsons this last two weeks I noticed that I was a much better grandparent after my morning quiet time (they realised this too! Lol). I can get grumpy when my routine is out of order. How do your children feel when theirs is out of order? Consider that they have less power to fix it and their feelings of discomfort will be harder to make feel better. They will likely need your empathy when things aren’t going to plan. This routine of mine is also an important step for my self care, I will get up early to make it happen. I pre-plan and make sure that I have what is needed to make it happen even when I travel (taking my coffee and a coffee press with me). To keep to our routines and to get the self care we need, pre-planning and scheduling the time in may be needed. I know it all sounds simple, but I am mentioning it this morning because we can forget how hard it is for our children when the routine gets messed up, and we can forget how our own self care is important, that we may need to do some pre-planning and work to make it happen. Routine, pre-planning and self care are very needed and an important part of therapeutic parenting (for the parent and for the child). For me it means having my coffee…for my child it might mean having the same breakfast when travelling or always going to bed at the same time. When things aren’t going right look at the routine, see if somewhere it’s gotten messed up and offer the understanding and empathy needed. If it’s your self care routine that’s gotten messed up then make yourself important and get it going again! Now…back to my morning coffee…