Thought for the day

Thought for the day…As a trainer you get to help others and it seems like you have all the answers…well, we don’t. At least as it stands, I don’t have them, but as a group we do pretty good. We have some that do better with school questions, others with eating, and still others with nurturing and empathy. We also have bad days and the other parts of the team pick up the slack, letting us get a break when we need one. We also make mistakes. Why do I mention this? I am having a pretty rubbish week, my empathy has been lacking, my compassion fatigue is going into high gear again. I want you to know that even though we are here helping you that we too have problems. We have days that we just can’t listen to another child screaming, and we have days where our empathetic response is pretty much nil. What makes us able to carry on? To help others? It is having the group, having support, and knowing when we need to ask for help that keeps our team strong enough to help others. We are a good example of how to keep compassion fatigue from building into blocked care. Of course, if I didn’t step away when I needed to, If I didn’t ask for help or share my bad days, I would not be able to help others. We can help you, not because we are perfect or have all the answers, it is because we work together and ask for help when we need it. In your daily lives remember that we all have bad days. Doctors get sick. Psychiatrists need a couch to lay on to talk about their problems. Therapeutic Parents can’t be therapeutic 24/7. We all need to ask help, even those who look like they have all the answers. We can help you because we work together, and you can do this parenting thing because you aren’t alone. I was feeling very human today and wanted to share…by the way…you are doing a great job today, you got this xx