Thought for the day – best interest?

Is it “in the best interest of the child”?

When fostering or caring for a child, one thing that must be considered is whether or not what you are doing is in the best interest of the child. This is something that is repeated throughout all of the legal requirements regarding childcare and a child’s rights.
When we make the tough decisions, when we are struggling with knowing the right thing to do, this is one filter through which we must make all of our decisions. This does not always mean that the child will be happy with all of the decisions, but what is best for the child and in their best interest does not always make them happy. We do want happy children, but first and foremost is their health, wellbeing and safety.
I send this reminder today because we can all be placed into difficult decisions and finding the answer can be very difficult, but if you filter those decisions on whether or not it is best for the child (not best for you, the school, or the social worker) but instead focus on what is best for the child, then the likely outcome will be helpful and the best decision possible for the child, and this is the goal.
If decisions are being made that are not in the best interest of the child you then also have a valid argument for why something is not right. Consider the subject of contact, if contact is based on filling the parents needs and not the child’

When fostering or caring for a child, one thing that must be considered is whether or not what you are doing is in the best interest of the child. This is something that is repeated throughout all of the legal requirements regarding childcare and a child’s rights.
When we make the tough decisions, when we are struggling with knowing the right thing to do, this is one filter through which we must make all of our decisions. This does not always mean that the child will be happy with all of the decisions, but what is best for the child and in their best interest does not always make them happy. We do want happy children, but first and foremost is their health, wellbeing and safety.
I send this reminder today because we can all be placed into difficult decisions and finding the answer can be very difficult, but if you filter those decisions on whether or not it is best for the child (not best for you, the school, or the social worker) but instead focus on what is best for the child, then the likely outcome will be helpful and the best decision possible for the child, and this is the goal.

If decisions are being made that are not in the best interest of the child ys needs, then the goal is wrong, and an argument could then be made to create change in order to support the child.

I know it isn’t always easy knowing the right thing to do, knowing which direction to go in some of the decisions we make. While some are easy, others are so very difficult. Running your decisions through this one filter will help you to make the best decisions for you and your family…decisions that will help support the child in the most positive way possible.