Thought for the Day

Thought for the day…When therapeutic parenting, also look for a medical reason for the behaviour. This is not about ADHD or mental health issues to search for, but about physical issues that can cause and or show up as behavioural issues.
Today I had the opportunity to discuss a parenting issue with a wonderful parent. They were concerned over a presenting behaviour. With the behaviour being new, I first asked about health issues and if they had seen the doctor. As we searched for answers, she did recall that their child had acid reflux and perhaps it could be the cause for the behaviour. My first suggestion was to first look into the physical needs of the child and see the doctor. Luckily she is a great Mom, and went searching for answers (we all need someone to bounce things off of sometimes).
There is of course a possibility that there is an emotional need or behaviour that needs dealt with, but first and foremost make sure there isn’t a medical reason.
Toileting issues can be caused by problems with infections or immature bladder. Problems with smearing can be created by issues with constipation. A child banging their head could be caused by head or tooth pain. Gagging and coughing can be caused by acid reflux.
When your child presents with a new behaviour, or their behaviour seems to all of a sudden become even more extreme, seek out a medical reason before assuming that something you are doing is no longer working, or that you are doing something wrong, especially if your child is younger and or non verbal.
Always stay calm, continue to use your therapeutic parenting to help our child, but first and foremost see if there is a medical reason for what is happening.