Thought for the day

Thought for the day…We all have times that we need to listen to our bodies and do what we need for self care. Recently I got very sick. I am ok now and starting to bounce back, but this was after doctors, medicine and lots of rest. Why do I mention this?
I know that my body showed signs of feeling unwell and I ignored them! I kept finding other things that were more important. Some of those things were in relation to my children and others in relation to Treehouse. I did what I tell others not to do, I forgot about self care! I ended up getting sick enough that my body had enough and I had to finally rest to recuperate.
We all get busy, stressed and forget to take care of ourselves. We forgot to prioritise our self care and can get run down. I know that I may have still gotten sick, but I likely could have gotten better much faster if I had taken better care of myself. We all need to stay healthy in order to be healthy parents.
Take care of yourself today. Stop, get a cup of tea, have a bath or just hide in the bathroom if that is what you need to do. After the children are in bed, do NOT work! Set all down and have a glass of wine while watching your favourite show. whatever it is that you need to do in order to take care of you, make sure you prioritise it. You are that important.