Thought for the day

Thought for the day….Communicate! I think for today I would like you to consider that word. Today with all the changes with Covid I found myself emailing all the social workers and schools. We communicated our wants and needs. My suggestion today, working with the wider professional network, is to state what you hope will happen during this lockdown. Do you want your children to attend school? What about social worker visits and or family contact? While you may not get to make some choices, it always helps for others to know and understand your reasoning behind your decisions. Do this before they have their big meetings. Make your thoughts known so that they have something to go by.
Will this make everything go “your” way? No, but it may just turn out that the wider network says “that sounds like a good plan” and you actually get to support your child as you feel you need.
Next, communicate with your child. What is happening? Why? What can we do? What can we control? Let your children know (in an age appropriate way) what is happening. This is a scary time and it is even scarier if you don’t understand what is happening around you.
I hope we see you healthy and strong at the end of this lockdown, and please…communicate with us with any of your questions regarding Therapeutic parenting, we are here to help.