Thought for the day

When good enough is “good enough”.  I often tell people that Therapeutic parenting is not about being perfect.  You cannot be a Therapeutic Parent 100% of the time.  You cannot always have a perfectly clean house. You cannot always remember everything that you think you are supposed to remember. Your are human. You will get tired. You will fail. You will mess up. You will have those days when you wonder “am I really good enough”? I want you to know that on those days…the ones where your dishwasher is broke, you forgot to pick up the medicine, and you somehow neglected to wash your child’s school uniform, that “good enough” means that you are breathing and you are still there. Maybe you felt like shouting and you didn’t…that is good enough. Maybe you bought the cookies for the school bake sale instead of making them homemade…that is good enough. Maybe you smiled at your child when you felt like screaming…that is good enough. Sometimes we are able to be the super parent. Sometimes we get it all right and we are in that magic spot…the one where we know we did it right, but then there are other times…those times when we wonder if we will ever get it right again. Please remember that you will get it right again. You will have that perfect moment with your teen where somehow they listened. You will make the meal where your little one actually eats all their greens. You will have an evening when your child does not wake up needing a bed change, but when you are sat there in your moment where things don’t seem quite “good enough”, know that it is. You showed up. You loved them. You kept them safe. This is good enough. Its ok if you forgot to buy school shoes the night before school began (true story as it happened to me at the start of term!). We ran out and got a pair in time, but if we hadn’t? I still would have been good enough, and so are you. Love your children…accept them…love yourself…and know that you really are good enough, they need you, they don’t need “perfect”, they just need “good enough”.