Thought for the day

Thought for the day….We can’t do this alone. I know that we are strong. We are incredibly talented, smart, creative and strong people. We do an amazingly tough job! Our job is 24/7 and does not come with guaranteed breaks or holidays. We parent the tough ones and we do it in a way that builds brains. We are brain builders…future creators…and sometimes miracle makers. We make things happen that everyone else gave up on. That child that bit and kicked? Now can go to school and “most” people are safe from their teeth. That child that cried all through the night? Now sleeps almost all the way through, only waking for a quick supportive and loving hug. That kid that couldn’t read or write? They are now in University studying to be a teacher. We are all of this and more, but we cannot do it as an island. We need help…we need support…we need one another. We can say that there isn’t enough time for ourselves. We can say that the children are more important (many believe this). I say that without your health, without your peace and happiness, your children will not have the strong parent they need. You want the miracle of healing and building brains? First step is taking care of yourself and getting the support you need. Phone a friend…go shopping…join the NATP. Go to a listening circle and if you can’t do that then join some training (I meet others just like me every time I attend). What hobby did you used to love? Did you paint? Sew? Run? What gave you joy? Find that joy again and make “you” a priority. This miracle of therapeutic parenting that you are a part of…this brain building…it needs you to stay strong and it needs to be shared so that when it is too difficult, when you are low and can’t see the way…that others can help you carry your load. Let us be there for you. Reach out to those who do know what it is like. You are not alone. You are amazing, talented, smart, creative and strong…you are not by yourself in this. Just a thought for the day…you are worth it.