Thought for the day

Thought for the day….it is easy to get offended. I recently posted about my weight and how the Doctor was quite rude about my weight. I have now had some time to let that information settle. Yes, I do need to get healthier, and No, the doctor did not need to be so rude, but this does not mean that what he said was wrong. I am starting slimming world today, hopefully I can keep at it and lose the weight that is causing me health issues (though not ALL my health issues). Why am I posting here today? Usually when we are offended we will react emotionally, we take what is said and refuse to look at what is really going on. Now, the doctor was wrong to say it how he did, and he was wrong to not look at other reasons for my health problems, but he was still right that I need to look at my weight. After I was done being offended I had a good look at what he said and had to conclude that he had a valid point. I wonder how often we let our emotions and our being offended to keep us from looking at a situation in a different way? How often do we totally reject the entirety of the information all because of a part we did not like or the person who was saying it? I know that I have inadvertently offended others with my words on occasion (accidentally I promise) but that did not negate that my information had value. I wonder at how often our children have said something and rather than looking at it and hearing what they have said, that we have been offended and reacted emotionally instead? I wonder at how often someone trying to help us have said it wrong and so rather than hearing what they really meant, we instead went away totally rejecting their actual message..that they care. It is just a thought, we all put our foot in our mouths sometimes…forgive yourself for being human, and if you can, try and forgive others when they are being human too (especially those amazing kids of ours who are really really good at finding our triggers that are guaranteed to offend).